RNG Capture and Delivery
Total RNG potential in the U.S has been estimated to be as high as 2.4 trillion cubic feet. This amount of RNG could replace significant volumes of traditional natural gas each year, and is equal to 10% of U.S. natural gas deliveries in 2015.
CNGDelivery provides a path to market for renewable sources of gas produced at landfills and anaerobic digesters via virtual pipeline. We deliver RNG produced from diverted waste streams such as landfills, animal manure, and waste water treatment plants.
The volume of gas from these facilities is often insufficient to justify an expensive interconnection to a natural gas pipeline where the biogas could be sold. We can provide solutions to capture, treat and deliver RNG to your local users, fleets or CNG fueling stations, as well as, to other biogas facilities that already have the means to export renewable gas via pipeline.
Biogas Owners (Wanting to Sell RNG)
You produce Renewable Natural Gas and want to deliver it to commercial CNG truck fleet nearby or transport and inject it to a distribution or interstate pipeline? We can help with more than just delivery services. After RNG is produced, it must be processed to meet specific standards, designed to protect health and infrastructure, before it can be compressed to a delivery truck, transported and introduced to the distribution network. Based on your production capabilities and local market demand we can help you to figure out the most effective way to deliver your biogas to your customer.
Please contact us and let us know about your RNG Delivery needs so we can help you with your project.
CNG Fleet Managers (Wanting to Buy RNG)
The primary existing drivers of RNG development are policies and incentives to decarbonize the transportation and power generation sectors. Federal and state programs, such as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), provide a monetary credit to RNG that is used as a transportation fuel. Similarly, many state electric renewable portfolio standard (RPS) programs allow RNG to generate renewable energy credits (RECs) when it is used to produce electricity.
Please contact us with your desire to purchase long-term delivery of RNG and we can help to find the most economical way to get it delivered to you based on your needs.
RNG Technology Providers
CNGDelivery specializes in RNG delivery services and leasing of transportation and storage equipment necessary to develop temporary or semi-permanent solutions. However, we often find ourselves helping customers to develop the core capabilities to capture and prepare for delivery, as well as, proper distribution of RNG / Biogas to their fleets on the receiving end. We do it through a list of reference of the companies that specialize in certain aspects of RNG project.
If your company provides a service, product, solution beneficial to potential RNG seller or buyer please let us know so we can ensure to include this info on the reference list for customers in early development stages of their RNG project.
Typical RNG Supply Chain Diagram (RNG for fleet use)
Typical RNG Supply Chain Diagram (RNG for fleet use via Mobile Gas Delivery)
What is renewable natural gas?
Renewable natural gas (RNG) is produced from organic materials like wood waste, food and agricultural waste, and even human waste. As these materials decompose, they produce methane. That methane can be captured and then conditioned to natural gas pipeline quality. You can use RNG in any application that uses natural gas: vehicle fuel, space and water heating, cooking and more. No new equipment is required.
Where does RNG come from?
Today, the primary sources of RNG in North America are landfills, wastewater treatment plants, food waste and dairy farms. Large amounts of biogas (the raw, freshly emitted and untreated gas) can be collected at local landfills, wastewater treatment plants, commercial food waste facilities and agricultural operations, such as dairies. Once this raw biogas is collected and upgraded (cleaned and conditioned) to meet natural gas pipeline quality specifications, we call it renewable natural gas.
What makes it “renewable”?
Organic materials produce methane as they decompose. Natural gas is made of methane. Conventional natural gas is considered a “fossil” fuel because it comes from fossilized deposits trapped in geologic formations, thousands of feet below the Earth’s surface. Renewable natural gas captures “new” methane that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere. When burned, the byproduct of carbon dioxide goes back into the atmosphere and the carbon cycle.
What are the emissions benefits of RNG?
Renewable natural gas has a significantly lower carbon footprint than conventional natural gas. Depending on the source of raw biogas, RNG offers reductions of 40% to 450% in carbon dioxide-equivalent emissions, compared to conventional natural gas. What’s more, RNG’s carbon intensity is about half that of solar-generated electricity when considering the full lifecycle of emissions. And using power-to-gas for storage of excess electricity generated from renewable sources? That’s the lowest carbon intensity methane available.
How much does RNG cost?
Price depends on a number of factors. In some cases, such as landfills, biogas is already being captured and cleaned, so production of RNG requires less capital investment. In others, such as dairies, there is little existing collection of biogas so more substantial capital investment is required. Production costs can range from $5 to $30 per MMBtu.* To offset these costs, many RNG projects can earn substantial credits under both the federal Renewable Fuel Standard and State Clean Fuels Program. In some cases RNG can earn credits within these programs well above the cost of production.
* Million British Thermal Units, a measure of energy content.
Is all RNG the same?
As an energy source: Yes. producers condition all RNG to the same rigorous quality standard of natural gas from conventional sources. RNG will also meet our same energy content requirements. At the same time, different feedstocks used to make RNG require a variety of collection and processing equipment. This can result in different project development costs. Sources of RNG also have varying “carbon intensity” (CI) values,* a measure used to compare the complete lifecycle emissions of different fuels. Gasoline and diesel have CI values of around 100.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) made from a wastewater treatment plant’s RNG might have a carbon intensity score of 20. Landfill gas may be somewhat higher. CNG from dairies can have net-negative values of -100 or -200. These negative values reflect the capture and use of methane that would otherwise have been stored in lagoons and released as methane directly into the atmosphere.
*CI values are expressed as grams of carbon dioxide-equivalent per megajoule of energy.
So, why getting involved with RNG now?
RNG is the lowest-carbon fuel option for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. No other technology on the market today provides that combination of environmental benefits all at once. Additionally, RNG can offer tremendous emissions reductions when used in our system for direct use by our customers in their furnaces, hot water heaters, and other gas appliances. Medium- and heavy-duty natural gas vehicles equipped with near-zero emission engines produce 90% lower nitrogen oxide emissions than even the cleanest diesel engine. By using RNG, that same truck’s greenhouse gas emissions can drop 80% below diesel.
Through cooperative efforts of CNGDelivery to deliver RNG into natural gas pipeline systems together we can help communities close the loop on waste, which reduces air pollution and carbon emissions, and supports diverse and innovative energy opportunities. We will continue helping our customers reduce and offset their consumption as we support the development of renewable natural gas supply and explore other cutting edge solutions to lower the carbon intensity of our product.
What other benefits come from a locally produced energy source?
Jobs and Local Economy: Regional production of RNG offers a buy-local alternative to most fuels currently in use. Locally produced RNG would effectively displace imported conventional gas, delivering new jobs and income sources alongside environmental benefits.
Resilient Energy Systems: Locally produced RNG provides an additional energy source that can be stored and distributed via the natural gas pipeline infrastructure or virtual pipeline. In the event of a significant disruption or natural disaster, local energy sources like RNG can help keep essential services and fleets in operation until networks can be restored.
Where can I learn more about RNG?
Here are a few resources showcasing projects and studies related to RNG.
Fortis BC has North America’s most established program, delivering RNG to home and commercial customers in British Columbia.
University of California at Davis prepared a report on the carbon intensities and costs of various RNG sources.
Vermont Gas is developing an RNG project that will supply renewable gas to customers, including Middlebury College.
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